Monthly Archives: August 2018

National Book Lovers Day!

Well, yes, I do love books!

Story time? In!!

In the event you enjoy unusual thoughts, you might like this post. If you have enough “eccentric” friends, keep scrolling. 🌿 Here it is: For awhile, I’ve had my books stacked in the shelf cubbies. While it’s less practical for retrieving them, I can fit far more books per shelf. However, this afternoon it occurred to me that it looks like my books are “asleep.” Thus, I’ve decided to “wake them up” by standing them all up-right next week. So, there ya go! 🌿 You’re welcome. I’m “waking up books” one day next week. Down the rabbit hole I’ve gone … 💕📚

I cannot decide whether I prefer reading or writing, nor will I.

Do you ever smell a faint scent of something and it brings back a memory? Only you can’t remember the memory, just the way you felt at that very moment?

Also, if one door closes and the other door opens, your

house might be haunted. 🚪💋📕💋🚪#GhostStories

I’m currently reading A Gentleman in Moscow. Next, I plan to read A Secret History of Witches.

What book are you currently reading or have read recently that you recommend?

Your Friend,
