Press & Features

Grab my new button, if you have room!
The code to copy/paste into the HTML on your blog can be found on my left sidebar!
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I am a contributor to Hat Trick Magazine as the Associate Home Editor.

Many of my articles/posts are published within international Hat Trick Magazine! To read an online copy of the magazine, just click on any magazine cover below this text to be redirected to that particular issue!

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I’VE ALSO BEEN FEATURED ON THESE GREAT PUBLICATIONS & WEBSITES!: was mentioned by Michael Roberts of Arkansas Times’ Eat Arkansas! See the news article:

(click on each button/image below this text to see a feature post on individual blogs.)

We Made That




Arkansas Women Bloggers

There are a ton of neat ways to share your posts with others and find posts similar to your own interests within this realm. There are oodles and oodles of “inspiration” posts out there, but there are also those of us that are writing and photographing our own original projects and stories. Many website creators are opening their sites/pages once a week or once a month and allowing others to post thumbnail photos that link back to our creations. These are known as “shares”, “link parties”, “linky parties”, etc. I’M FASCINATED. Check out their parties, but check the rest of their blogs, too; these ladies are TALENTED!!

Most of these parties ask that when you link your post, your content is: recent, contains ORIGINAL material (as opposed to pictures of what inspires you), and that you share a link to their party somewhere on your website. There are “link parties” that are tailored to every interest. For example, some parties want links to new recipes only, or knitting projects only, or home renovation projects only, or furniture repurposing only, or … You get it. There are “link parties” for every sort of interest. So, I’m linking. When I link my blog, you will find a link to the “party” at the bottom of my post! Please, visit these parties to find links to many other great projects, recipes, and stories written by others!


Grab my new button, if you have room!
The code to copy/paste into the HTML on your blog can be found on my left sidebar!
(note: mobile version of this blog cannot see sidebars)