Monthly Archives: December 2016

What a Busy Christmas Season 2016!

I’m sure I’m forgetting a few things, but highlights of our Henson Family Christmas activities during the last month or so included:
πŸŽ„ Black Friday Shopping!

πŸŽ„ Loads of Lights on the exterior of our house and lawn!

πŸŽ„ Older two daughters’ Band concert!

πŸŽ„ Younger daughter’s elementary party!

πŸŽ„ Handmade & custom gifts for husband & kids!

πŸŽ„ New Christmas tree and wreaths!

πŸŽ„ 12th Annual Egg Nog Competition at the Historic Arkansas Museum!

πŸŽ„ Driving around looking at lights!

πŸŽ„ Visited AR Capitol building to see decor and take family photos!

πŸŽ„ Hosted Dinner for 8 in our home, including Pop, Grammy, & Gram!

πŸŽ„ Attended a Dinner for 8 with husband, daughters, & nephew that my sister cooked for us all!

πŸŽ„ 3 daughters baked Cookies for Santa!

πŸŽ„ Stockings & unwrapping gifts!

πŸŽ„Christmas morning homemade Sticky Bun Cinnamon Rolls from scratch by Mitch!

πŸŽ„ Dec 26th Clearance Shopping!
Here are a few of my Favorite Photos from these activities:

We hope you had a festive Winter Holiday Season, too! I’ll be back with more posts, soon! ❀️

Your Friend,

–Amber Hamilton Henson

Druzy Memory Wire Jewelry

Do it! Wear it! Make a DIY druzy memory wire bracelet in a few easy steps! Why pay astronomical boutique prices when you can make your own pieces in minutes? 

In? In!

Let’s create!! ❀️

Memory wire. Druzy quartz. Glass Beads. Done!

You can do this, too!

1) Buy beads and memory wire.

2) Make a small loop at one end of memory wire.

3) Add your pattern of beads.

4) Close with small loop at other end of memory wire.

5) Wear.

❀️–Amber Hamilton Henson

Winter Solstice!

Longest Night and Shortest Day of the Year!

We hope you Enjoy this moment!

 πŸŒ² Winter Solstice! 🌲

❀️ –Amber Hamilton Henson