Monthly Archives: December 2015

Titanium QUARTZ Memory Wire Bracelet!

An easy DIY project:
*memory wire
*looping tool, for ends of wire




Sacred Adornment!
You may remember another memory wire bracelet (sacred adornment) that I completed recently. I discussed how it mentally/emotionally transports me to another space/vibe. See the other bracelet, here:

While this bracelet is similar in many ways, it takes me in a completely different direction than the previous bracelet.


Mind you, while I was crafting this bracelet, physically I was in my own living room trying to tune out whatever noisy show the husband was watching on TV. Holding these stones, focusing on their spectrum of colors, and mentally flipping through the racks of clothes in my closet assembling an outfit to wear with the bracelet, I was completely enveloped in other spaces … other rooms in my mind, if you will. The full resolution photos of the rooms and/or links to their original publication sources can be found on my Pinterest board, “Rooms that Inspire Me” the link:


Well, thoughts?
Leave me a comment!

Pin the project/story using the gray “Pinterest” button at the bottom of this post?
Thanks, in advance!!

Your Friend,
–Amber Hamilton Henson



Seasons’ Greetings! Winter Edition

This has been a fun filled season so far!



We’re sure looking forward to 2016, too!


Amber Hamilton Henson

Our Nest has a Few New Treasures!

Our Home really is my favorite place in the whole world, and it just became a bit cozier!

We purchased an amazing room size rug from Kaufman by Design (on Cantrell, here in Little Rock, Arkansas.)
The whole room feels larger, brighter, more interesting, and infinitely more comfortable! I am so pleased! If you’re local, I highly recommend that you check out the store Kaufman By Design!

I also purchased some gorgeous, shiny new cable knit sweater pillows at Michael’s today! They’re a great addition, aren’t they? Yay!


I also picked up a few of these glass/brass boxes and filled them with reindeer moss and some of my crystals and gems! It’s nice to have them on display in a way that I can fully see them, yet they’re less accessible to our cat, 3 kids, and guests. You understand, I’m sure!


In other news, I recently saw this amazing agate perfume bottle on Pinterest. New goal: acquire stone perfume bottles, preferably of a wearable pendant size! Source of image

So, tell me: What’s new in your world? I’m going to hop around blogland and explore this evening! I bet you’re all creating some amazing things!

If you even mildly liked this post, you might also like these posts of mine even better!
DIY perfume storage using a premade frame
Master Bedroom Tour
Up-cycled NECKTIE Upholstery Vanity Seat

If you might want to try one of my projects, enjoy my post, or like a photo, please consider Pinning it to Pinterest! There is a gray PINTEREST button at the bottom of each post! Thank you so much, friends!

Love Ya Lots and Lots,


Seasons Greetings!

Unpacking and arranging seasonal decor!
Love it!!




We’re looking forward to the parade downtown this afternoon followed by the lighting of the Capitol building this evening!

I heart this time of year!
Parties and Celebrations!
Twinkling lights!
Gift Giving!
Evergreen trees!
Santa and Reindeer!
Crafting, Baking, and Decorating!

❀️, AmberHH